The Norwegian Red Cross (NRC) has been operating a national helpline for children and youth up to the age of 18, called Kors på Halsen Kors på Halsen in Norwegian means cross my heart in English, and is the kind of pinky-swear that children do to make a promise. The helpline is a service where children can call, mail, and chat with trained volunteers about their challenges, thoughts and reflections on life. Callers have the ability to talk about any concern, such as relationships, bullying and even suicidal ideation. The volunteers on the other end of the call are highly trained to talk and advise the callers on any topic of their choice. Kors på Halsen provides children and youth a voice and a platform where they can discuss their wellbeing safely.
Image credit: Norwegian Red Cross
Digital Helpline: handling concerns responsibly
Kors på Halsen acts as one of the most important sources of information regarding challenges faced by children and youth. Nelli Kongshaug, the Head of Kors på Halsen at the Norwegian Red Cross, explained how data is gathered. She said, “after a volunteer has a conversation with a caller, they log the information and topics discussed on our secure system”. She further explained that the data logged has to come from the child, the volunteers are trained to give advice on any topic that might arise and do not ask the callers for information such as demographics. This methodology ensures that the safety and privacy of the caller is maintained, as this degree of data comes with great responsibility. Kongshaug stated:
We had large data sets with topics and information concerning youth wellbeing, but we did not know how to visualize it and put it to greater use
NRC had large amounts of valuable and sensitive data, but it was unorganized, unstructured, and in excel sheets that needed to be updated manually, making it difficult to read and extract important information efficiently. It was necessary to have a suitable information management system in place, specifically when working directly with communities.
Digitize and Visualize
NRC wanted to develop a system that maps the challenges youth face and use the captured knowledge on their wellbeing issues to lift young people’s voices, needs, and even solutions in society. By doing so, the National Society (NS) can act and propose concrete solutions that can bring positive change. Jeanette Lid, the Key Account Manager in the Norwegian Red Cross, explained Capgemini's role in improving Kors på Halsen. She said, “Capgemini, is a multicultural company leading in technology and digital transformation. They have been a partner with NRC for 3 years contributing both financially as well as with their competence in digital transformation”. She continued:
Capgemini are experts at transforming information, analyzing and creating value from data, thus collaborating with them made it possible to use their technological expertise to digitize and visualize humanitarian needs at NRC
Capgemini developed a PowerBI Microsoft Solution for Kors på Halsen, meaning that data is collected and reported is a visually structured way. This solution allowed the data to be categorized and organized making it easier and efficient for the NRC to pull out useful information when needed. Kongshaug elaborated that this enabled the team to draw on experiences from old and new data and compare from year to year to see what the challenges are and how to act on them. She continued, “the PowerBI dashboard helps us see the topics that are most common in conversations as well as pin-point certain demographic criteria if any were logged”. Kongshaug elaborated on the potential of data for programming and advocacy:
Being able to develop reports through the dashboard assisted us in, training volunteers on relevant topics that might arise, such as anxiety during lockdown, as well as to advocate at a governmental level on issues relating to the wellbeing of our youth
Digital Means for Practical Solutions
Being able to visualize this wide range of data regarding children’s wellbeing allows the NS to work in a more efficient and accurate way. Kongshaug stated, “digitally transforming our data opened up the possibility for others in the NS to locate information in an easier way when needed”. She continued, “data is one of our biggest resources, and now that we have optimized it, we are able to create concrete results”. Nina Zimmer, the Public Relations and Communication Manager from Capgemini commented on her experience working with NRC. She stated,
It is a pleasure for us that we can contribute with our expertise into the collaboration with the Red Cross. It is meaningful that our employees can create solutions that have such great value
Through Kors på Halsen, NRC has elevated the voice of Norwegian children in matters that concern them, locally and nationally. NRC are now equipped with the digital means to form and advocate for practical actions, as well as contribute to wider networks such as the Child Helpline International.